Feel the Bite Fishing Videos and Accessible Media Inc.
Accessible Media Inc. broadcasts over cable TV and satellite into over 5-million Canadian households. Andrew Morris, one of AMI’s young innovative producers, contacted me and asked if I would film a series of 2-4 minute TV interstitials for AMI TV. Interstitials are like commercials in that they are played between regular program offerings, but different in that they are primarily for conveying information and not to sell. I agreed, and came up with 20 possible options. We settled on 14.
Over a period of six days I filmed 14 Feel the Bite interstitials – often as many as three in a day. Each interstitial includes me and my guide dog Moby exploring a different way of fishing for a variety of fish species, and conveying general information about fish, their biology and habitat, and environmental pressures that are impacting on their viability. We also included stewardship tips.
The interstitials are now available for your viewing pleasure via YouTube. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did doing the researching, writing and filming. Visit www.LawrenceGunther.com to access the shows directly, or search on YouTube.