Motivational Speaking
Lawrence’s presentation style draws on a vast range of diverse outdoor exploration and international travel, in-depth and personal research on the fit between humans and their environments, and a unique life that includes experiencing sight, low vision and, ultimately, total blindness. This unique mix of instruction/entertainment keeps audiences enthralled while, at the same time, has them absorbing information that leaves participants feeling infinitely wiser. A truly highly engaging and intimate speaking style that builds on a thousand generations of blind story telling.
Each of Lawrence’s presentations are crafted to reflect the listening audience’s unique needs. Multi-media is used to efficiently and effectively convey an intimate grasp of the topic. Outlines are prepared well in advance with input from clients at each stage.
Clients include:
- Telesat Canada
- North Carolina VIP Fishing Tournament
- Museum of Science and Technology
- York University
- Nature and Outdoor Tourism Ontario
- Bell Canada
- Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Social Affairs
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
- Blind Anglers International Tournament
- Senate of Canada
- California State University
- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs
- Advanced Technology Industry Association
- Ontario Ministry of Tourism
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind